On behalf of the Diocesan Social Action Center of Maasin (DSAC-MAASIN), I would like to thank you for yet another year of support to our poor children in the Diocese of Maasin.
In this letter, allow me to introduce a little background regarding the DSAC-Maasin and how it relates to the St. Joseph Boys Home (SJBH) and the PAKIG-ANGAY.
The DSAC-MAASIN is a Catholic relief, development and social service organization. Its program includes, but is not limited to, the following: Scholarship Program, Disaster Response, Housing Projects, Sustainable Agriculture, Livelihood Programs, Relief and Rehabilitation, Environment and Ecology, Health and Nutrition, Good Governance, Socio-Political Advocacies, Charity and the likes.
DSAC-MAASIN is like the Pastoral Ministry or Services or the Catholic Action in the Diocese of Quimper. However, it is the « Secours Catholique – Caritas France » which is the configuration of all similar organizations found in all the Dioceses of your entire country. In the Philippines, we have the Caritas Filipinas which is the equivalent of Caritas France. The configuration of all Caritas in the whole world is Caritas Internationalis in the Vatican.
On the other hand, the SJBH is a non-stock, non-profit corporation, duly organized and registered under the laws of the Philippines. Its main goal is to help poor children, especially those out in the streets and the orphans, so they can be taught good morals and religious values, enrol them in school and monitor until they finish studies. It was first established by the Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ) Sisters and when they transferred to another mission, they left behind the administration of the SJBH to the DSAC.

The PAKI-ANGAY, since the year 2014, until now is the one and only sponsor of the children under the SJBH. The PAKIG-ANGAY provides everything to the children (or community scholars) including school fees and materials, projects, allowance, and related needs.
Hence, it is DSAC that manages the SJBH, sponsored by PAKIG-ANGAY for the formation and education of the children. Without PAKIG-ANGAY, our children would have nowhere to go.

Thank you again PAKIG-ANGAY, on behalf of the children, for everything. You are making their dreams come true.
In Christ,